Telemarketing is a very tricky, unforgiving industry. You must appeal to your prospected customers, who most likely have not heard of you before. You have to employ cold calling techniques to generate leads. A strong or the best customer service skill is required for telemarketers to do such cold calling.
Here, we would like to give emphasis that to overcome objections, a focus must be placed on the customer relationship more than what the campaign is all about. Here are 3 real-world tips to win a customer relationship through telemarketing.
1. No Hard Selling
Most customers want emotional approach rather than logical approach. The more you know your customers, the better you become at anticipating their needs. Communicate frequently so that you will be responsive to their problems or future needs.
It’s also imperative for telemarketers to focus on specific needs of their prospects and not on the products and services you offer. Putting it differently, pitch what you are proposing by placing importance on the benefits your customers will obtain. This way, you will make each call sound less like a hard selling pitch. Remember that providing solutions to problems is a key to grow your current customer base, increase sales volume and eventually improve customer experience.
2. Listen, Listen, Listen
To know your customers, you have to ask questions and make sure to give them time to actually answer. Listen to what they have to say and take note of significant details. When you personalize your campaign in ways that make them look to be made precisely for the customer you’re speaking to, you’ll be well on your way to uphold an accomplishment.
Here is a rip-off, be careful of making expectations and assumptions thinking you already know what the customer needs. Know first the things that are most important to your customer.
3. Smile, smile, smile
Yes, you read it right! You have to smile…a lot! Even when you are on the phone, a smile can have a huge effect in a conversation. When you are smiling, the tone of your voice spontaneously becomes more enjoyable. Surprisingly, smiles can be heard. Customers always prefer to talk to a happy person with an enthusiastic character and by smiling while you talk you can help to have successful campaign.
Open Look sales and marketing team helps customers and businesses become more effective in their marketing and business development through our customized telemarketing campaigns. If you’d like to know more, give us a call at 214-403-3755.