Keep Your Database Accurate, Complete, and Up-to-Date

Recently, a news about the recent data misuse, and data privacy outrage involving the popular social media network, Facebook broke out. The news helps us become fully aware of the importance of data to our lives and to businesses. 

While we realizing the extreme importance of data in the society, we must never forget that data is changing the face of our world. It can cure a disease, boost a company’s revenue, make a building well-organized or be accountable for those targeted ads we keep on seeing in our social media accounts. There’s a lot that we can’t imagine it can do. 

In a company setting, data is a lifeline of a business. But, are businesses really making the most of their data?

In a latest KPMG survey across 10 countries, businesses are treating data more as an asset than an ally, as they’re using it to power certain functions rather than influencing higher-level decisions and strategy.

The survey shows that data is changing at a quick pace, and businesses need to change with it to stay competitive and significant. Businesses need to vision data not as an asset to preserve and use when suitable, but as a decisive piece in how to strategize and transform.

Keeping data accurate and updated is vital. Failure to do so could result in expensive and probably distressing inaccuracies.

Customer data depreciates quickly. In fact, if you fail to maintain it, you will find that much of it is of no use within two years.

When you fail to keep your information up to date, you could be wasting money down the drain by trying to reach people whose information have changed. You could even commit a major misstep by attempting to contact someone who has died.

To frequently clean your data, you have to simply update your records, delete duplicates and make sure spellings are correct. More than that, you have some extra work to do.

Make sure your records are up to date

It is your responsibility to make sure that your data is accurate and, is kept up to date. Updating your database benefits you by avoiding wasting resources such as contacting someone who has ‘gone away’.

It is promising to keep your database updated by ensuring that you check client details frequently, updating your records as soon as you become aware that there’s a need to be changed.

Professional data entry professionals can help extract data from a database, verify data through researching and telemarketing, and then get the cleansed data back in. They can also verify customer data against a series of files, comprising the change of address file, and other data file related changes.

The case of cautious data deletion

If you are cleaning your database and found out something irrelevant and not needed, don’t delete the information straight away. Try contacting them separately by phone or email to check whether the contact really has moved or is still interested in your services.

You should remember that your obligation also is to keep data only for as long as is necessary. This means you should regularly evaluate what data you need, how long you need to keep it for and means of securely updating, deleting or archiving.

The role of the data research service provider

Outsourcing data research services helps to save the cost, effort and time that one would spend to research, process and establish error free data. It will also help improve the business productivity. To realize the benefits, business owners should determine and categorize what data entry service they need to outsource.

How Open Look can help

Open Look offers a large Human Verified Data Research team to handle large scale database cleansing, data append, and other data entry projects.

When a client system, database, or audience intelligence initiative requires human-verified direct contact information, Open Look creates the opportunity for client scalability to get the project done fast and efficiently. Feel free to contact us today.

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